
Food Drives

It’s great to get students involved in community service, and to help children...

Food Insecurity

Household food insecurity and lack of food access are a common topic...

Food Literacy

Food literacy is the understanding and knowledge that people have about food.

Foods sold and served at school

Many schools offer or sell meals and snacks to students throughout the day...
Practical Guides

Lunchtime Food Allies

This practical guide can help adults navigate situations related to eating at school in a positive, supportive way.

Media Literacy

Media literacy means we are able to understand the information...
Practical Guides

Roles and Responsibilities Related to Food & Eating - Elementary

Apply the following roles and responsibilities during eating occasions at school.
Practical Guides

Roles and Responsibilities Related to Food & Eating - Secondary

Parent/caregiver/student’s role is to determine WHAT food to provide

Student Nutrition Programs

Ontario Student Nutrition Programs provide nutritious meals ...