Water Works
Drinking Water at School
Providing and promoting water to students is a great way to encourage everyone to make water their beverage of choice. Drinking water is a great way to quench thirst and stay hydrated. It is also important for overall health and well-being.
Follow the 4-step process to take a planned and comprehensive approach to work on this topic.
Getting Started
- What drinks are commonly available within your school community (e.g., events, lunches, meetings, celebrations)?
- Is water available and accessible throughout the day and at all events?
- Does your school have a water bottle refill station?
Bright Ideas
Educate the school community on the facts and benefits of water!
- Create an eye-catching bulletin board.
- Include information in the school newsletter for families.
- Share fun water facts in morning announcements.
- Perform poems or songs about the benefits of water at an assembly.
Make water the drink of choice at your school!
- Encourage the use of reusable water bottles at all school events and celebrations. Eliminate or reduce the availability of competing beverages at school events and celebrations (e.g., juice, pop, sports drinks).
- Create a process/policy to allow students to access water during the school day.
- Consider fundraising (or looking for funding) to purchase and install water bottle refill stations, if you have limited water sources at your school.
- Provide reusable water bottles for all students.